Retirement Savings Difficulties Facing Women
The United States is home to nearly 170 million women, with about 3.5 million of them living in Arizona. Not every woman will face identical retirement savings …
The United States is home to nearly 170 million women, with about 3.5 million of them living in Arizona. Not every woman will face identical retirement savings …
There are many potential strategies retirees can utilize to safeguard their retirement savings while also maintaining an adequately liquid fund to cover unexpec…
Asset protection trusts, which are usually irrevocable trusts, can be used to protect assets from creditors and legal judgments. The irrevocability is often cru…
Yes, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) protects 401(k)s from creditors after a bankruptcy. One of the provisions of the Act prevents creditors…
The vast majority of income tax filers in the United States, regardless of their age, would prefer to minimize their tax burden. How you can go about maximizing…
While some aspects of life become simpler in retirement, taxes are not necessarily one of them. Determining whether you owe income tax on your Social Security B…
The list depends on the account or property type as well as the attributes of your trusts and estate. Some assets and financial accounts of value are designed t…
Which sectors are best for your investment dollars in 2024 will be highly dependent on who you ask and how the year progresses. If you have questions about how …
Defensive Positioning and Early-Cycle Recovery As we approach a potential economic slowdown, adopting a more defensive portfolio position may be advisable for s…
The transition from private or employer-provided health insurance to Medicare is a pivotal juncture for people nearing or entering retirement. Many older Americ…
There are four different Medicare “Parts,” each of which offers different types of coverage. Medicare Part D only covers prescription medications and is typical…
Both Medicaid and Medicare were established on a federal level through the Social Security Amendments of 1965, which were initially signed into law by President…