Tax Guides for Phoenix Retirees
If you’re a retiree, your income may be largely or entirely derived from specific retirement savings tools you invested in during your working years. Common exa…
If you’re a retiree, your income may be largely or entirely derived from specific retirement savings tools you invested in during your working years. Common exa…
Have you and your spouse discussed when you’ll begin claiming your Social Security benefits? Do you know how much SSI you’ll receive each month and the potentia…
The two biggest exchanges for trading equities in the United States are the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Au…
Are you an adult with a checking account? Congratulations, you have an “estate.” One of the most common misconceptions about estate planning pertains to who nee…
Saving for retirement is one of those tasks that is simple to do yet difficult to master. Choosing automatic contributions in an employer-sponsored retirement p…
The retirement planners at Fullerton Financial Planning believe there are three separate pillars that are vital to a stable, long-lasting retirement plan. These…
Traditional retirement savings products fall into one of four categories: annuities, investments, retirement accounts and life insurance. Each type generates an…
If you’re eligible to save in your employer’s 401(k) plan, you might have questions about your allocation options. While 401(k)s are significantly simpler than …
If you’re a current retirement saver or you’re starting to look at your options, you may have seen articles about the ongoing debate between self-directed indiv…
There’s a misconception that financial advisors and investment managers are primarily there to help unsophisticated retirement savers who haven’t spent a lot of…
When investors or advisors refer to dividend stocks, they’re usually referring to specific companies and shares that regularly pass a significant percentage of …
Contract agreements and commodity deliveries for a specific date can be bought and sold on special auction markets known as futures markets. These “futures” are…